Thank you to all our loyal sponsors listed below, and to all of our other generous donors and supporters.
Special mention goes this month to Peter Levi who has honored JCAS with donations from friends and family on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Mazel tov to Peter from us all at JCAS. Peter is pictured here receiving a certificate of thanks from JCAS Board Member Melody Curtis.
If you are interested in supporting our mission of “Education, Inclusion and Belonging” for children, there are many ways you can do this:
· make a tax-deductible donation to JCAS here
· consider JCAS in lieu of gifts for your family’s bat or bar mitzvah and other simchas
· shop at the Posh Opp Shoppe, either in-store or online at our eBay and facebook
stores. You’ll find great bargains and you’ll be supporting JCAS’ mission
· donate good quality items you no longer use to the Posh Opp Shoppe
· become a volunteer in the Posh Opp Shoppe, to assist Rosalie Silverstein OAM and her
dedicated team
Now, more than ever, children with special needs and their families require our support so they can participate fully in school life and enjoy the opportunities every child deserves.
Please consider supporting JCAS.