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Cheque presentation 31 March 2019. L to R Rabbi Yehoshua Smukler (Principal-Yeshivah Beth Rivkah Colleges), Rabbi James Kennard (Principal-Mt Scopus Memorial College), Jeremy Stowe-Lindner (Principal-Bialik College),Jenny Measey (Acting Principal - Adass Israel School), Helen Greenberg. (Principal-Sholem Aleichem College), Cherylyn Skewes (Principal-Leibler Yavneh College), Lahra Carey (President -The King David School council), Hilton Rubin (Principal - Yesodei HaTorah College), Eli Tayar (Divrei Emineh School), Dovid Rahmani (Cheder Levi Yitzchok School)

2024 Schools Feedback


Yeshivah College & Beth Rivkah Ladies College

Having an Aide this year has helped my son thrive in both General and especially Jewish Studies, where there is limited assistive technology. He has always enjoyed maths and having an aide in the classroom has been a huge help as he has been able to be part of the cohort within the classroom. The aide was able to support my son by giving him what he needed and not making him feel different. Without JCAS support, my child would never have been able to thrive academically, socially and emotionally. We look forward to continued support in High School.  

Mother of student at Yeshiva College


Leibler Yavneh College

Some of our students have been very fortunate to benefit from the additional funds that we have received from JCAS.  In my class I have had two extensive students this year who have required full-time support with an education assistant.  The education assistants have assisted in delivering a fully modified curriculum to these students, enabling them to attend Leibler Yavneh College.  It has been amazing to see how the extra support has benefited some students.  Without this support, some students would not be able to be in a mainstream setting.  JCAS do a phenomenal job to support students with additional needs. 

Year one teacher, Leibler Yavneh College


Sholem Aleichem College

Participating in the aide program at Sholem has been a  transformative experience for my child. It has not only fostered a sense of empathy and understanding towards diverse needs but also enhanced our son's social skills. The JCAS program has encouraged inclusivity and respect in the classroom, contributing to a more harmonious and supportive learning environment. Moreover, it has been instrumental in promoting our child's personal growth and we are so very thankful for all of JCAS's support.

Parent of student, Sholem  Aleichem College


Yesodei HaTorah

A student from my class greatly benefitted from JCAS support, as he had an integration aide who helped him a lot over the course of the year. 

Rachel Jankelowitz, Year 3 teacher


Bialik College

One of our students has an intellectual disability and requires a fully modified program. This is written in conjunction with a special education teacher but needs to be delivered and supported by full time learning support. In this way, the student has thrived albeit in a highly academic environment. This student’s learning support assistants have helped him throughout his Year 7 year to complete his bar mitzvah, participate in the B’nei Mitzvah program, attend bar and bat mitzvah events and parties and feel part of the Year 7 cohort. Further, they have worked with him to develop a media project showcasing the Year 7 students which will be shown at the end of year assembly. This student’s capacity to learn and thrive at our school is largely dependent on the efforts, dedication and heart of his learning support assistants. 

Bianca Janover, Year 7 Co-ordinator


Mount Scopus Memorial College (Primary)

With the support from JCAS, our children have received the most valuable support in the classroom and socially from the education support staff. 

Heather Bunting, school psychologist


Mount Scopus Memorial College (Secondary)

JCAS’s generous support has provided additional assistance to those students needing extra help due to learning difficulties or other challenges. Learning Assistants work closely with teachers to help create an inclusive learning environment. The goal is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed academically or socially. 

Ros Thompson, Student Services Administrator


Divrei Emineh

JCAS has helped us integrate our most vulnerable students. JCAS is adaptive to our school community’s needs. JCAS is helping us advance our student services team to ensure that assistant support is provided efficiently. 

Luzy Goldberg, Principal


Adass Israel School

With the support of these JCAS funding our school has received has been a game-changer in supporting many of our students.  One of the most fulfilling aspects has been witnessing the transformative effect it's had on our students' outlook and confidence. 

Knowing that they have a safety net, a place they can turn to for assistance, has significantly altered their approach to challenges.  The assurance that help is available has empowered them to take on academic hurdles with newfound determination. 

I've seen hesitant students embrace challenges with more enthusiasm, knowing that there's a support system in place to guide them through any difficulties they encounter.  This shift in attitude has been remarkable, as they are now more willing to explore, experiment, and stretch their boundaries academically.

The impact on their happiness and morale is evident.  They walk the halls with a greater sense of assurance, buoyed by the knowledge that they're not alone in their educational journey.  This emotional support has translated into tangible improvements in their academic performance and overall well-being.  I am optimistic about the continued positive outcomes that will undoubtedly arise from these funding.  It has been a catalyst for transformation, allowing us to create a more inclusive and enriching educational experience for our students at Adass Israel. 

Deseree Lazar, Aide Adass Israel Girls Campus


Cheder Levi Yitzchok

The funding received has been instrumental in transforming the educational journey of the students with unique needs.  We have been able to provide in-class support with an assistant, as well as one-on-one/group withdrawal with an assistant.  We have been able to provide targeted support and tailored interventions that address the specific challenges faced by the student.  As a result, we have witnessed progress in academic performance and increased confidence. 

Maxine Reichenberg, Head of Student Services


JCAS funding has had an unparalleled impact in supporting young people.

By Adele Ribnick, Psychologist

The Viewpoint Psychology and Counselling
In the first time in the award’s 62-year history, a person with a visible disability, Dylan Alcott - tennis champion, Paralympian and disability advocate – has been named the 2022 Australian of the Year. Dylan has spoken openly about his experiences growing up where he was subjected to bullying and discrimination regarding his disability. In acknowledging being the recipient of the award, on the 25th Jan 2022 Dylan tweeted “Wow. I’m forever grateful. My purpose today and every day is to change perceptions so people with disability can live the lives they deserve to live”. (1)

Having worked as a psychologist for many years in both the government and independent school systems, I note that the care provided for students can sometimes fall through the gaps and that there can be a large deficit in the knowledge of how best to work with and support children and young people with disabilities. There is overwhelming evidence from research and thus consensus on the importance of schools providing an inclusive education and that is why additional funding is so important. Additional funding can be used to secure valuable resources to holistically support students with a disability. For example, funding may be used for integration aids/education support staff, speech and/or behavioural therapists, modifications to adapt the physical environment, educational tools and teaching resources as well. 

Shortly after moving to Melbourne, I began working within the Jewish school system and attended a meeting arranged by JCAS. I soon learnt of the long history of JCAS (being one of the oldest running Jewish charities in Melbourne) and became acutely aware of the valuable impact that JCAS funding has had on young persons, particularly young persons with disabilities. This impact extends beyond the individual, it is also greatly beneficial for the friends, families and schools, and the broader social networks – their communities.  It was at that first meeting that I was introduced to Sharon Goodhardt and whom I subsequently relied on heavily for her support, insight and guidance in navigating the application process for funding. Sharon was always readily available to answer any queries, talk through aspects of what supports may need to be in place and I always had great confidence in her professionalism and confidentiality.
To paraphrase what Dylan Alcott reported in an interview on 7 Nov 2015, “…The biggest thing about us, is that for everything you can’t do, there are 10,000 others you can. For every ...(idiot)…. that gives you a hard time, there are 10,000 others worth your time!” (2)
JCAS funding has had an unparalleled impact in this space, and I am confident that it has made a marked and meaningful difference in the lives of many. This is thanks to the work of Sharon Goodhardt and the JCAS team, the work of volunteers and the JCAS sponsors.


1. 25 Jan 2022 Twitter – Dylan Alcott
2. Hamish McLachlan 7 Nov 2015. What you didn’t know about Paralympian Dylan Alcott

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Email from Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum Principal Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah Colleges June 10, 2024

(to Trevor Cohen AM on his retirement from the presidency)


Dear Mr. Cohen,


On behalf of the thousands of children who have been enabled to attend Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah Colleges due to the generosity of JCAS and your personal dedication, I would like to say THANK YOU!


There can be no higher calling than enabling a needy child to receive the education they deserve, so they too can succeed in life and contribute to the community in turn. Since joining our schools, I have learned to admire and appreciate everything that JCAS has done and continues to do for the community and for so many precious individuals.


I was personally inspired to read in the latest JCAS newsletter of your over 50 years of contributing and leading the wonderful institution that is JCAS, and as you move on to the next phase of your life I bless you and your family that G-d should reciprocate your dedication and commitment with nachas and only simchas.


We are currently preparing for the Festival of Shavuot, when Hashem gave us His Torah and blessed us that we should be a Holy nation. Every single Jew was welcomed at the base of the mountain and their individual and collective presence was integral to G-d deciding to give His precious gift to our people. By allowing all children to be educated and integrate into the community, JCAS enables all of us all to live up to our holy calling.


Wishing you all the best and only the best from everyone at Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah and praying for true peace in the Holy Land.


Elisha Greenbaum

Rabbi Greenbaum
Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah Colleges



Excerpts of an actual speech delivered by a mother to our volunteers


I won’t endeavour to explain the emotional challenges that one is faced every minute of the day when you have a child with special needs. I am sure that you can appreciate and understand the ache that is associated with that.

The financial challenges TRULY though are ones that are impossible to overcome.

Because no matter how many working hours there are in a day and how many extra concerts I undertake, as a single mum , it will still never be anywhere near enough for what one needs in order to keep their child in a private, mainstream education system with a full time aide.


This would not be possible without all of you and without the incredible community that came together when thousands of dollars were needed in order for Jeremy to continue on at the school.


Your work has changed my life. It has given me the opportunity to keep my son safe. To keep him secure, and to give him a Jewish education that my parents so desperately wanted me to have when we emigrated here in 1978 from Ukraine.


Like any other mum, I dream for Jeremy’s happiness. I hope that he finds some place in this world as an adult that can bring fulfilment into his life. I hope and pray that his journey will be as safe and as nurturing as it has been so far.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


Thank you  Rosalie, and thank YOU.


Thank you for giving me some peace of mind, for helping me keep my son where he belongs, where he is loved.


It would be impossible without your ongoing efforts and endless hours that you have so generously given. I hope you all understand how precious this gift is to me as I’m sure it is to all the others that you help. I am blessed. Truly blessed.


Thank you Sharon, for always being my advocate!


And thank YOU! I am, forever grateful.




Email from Rabbi Yehoshua Smukler Principal Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah Colleges September 06, 2017


​Dear Maurice, Rosalie and all the wonderful volunteers at the Posh Opp Shoppe,


Your ongoing commitment to assisting children with additional needs, whilst allowing them to continue receiving a Jewish education, has resulted in hundreds of young people being able to achieve, or even exceed their potential without having to compromise their values and traditions. 


Watching these students build their self-esteem and self-confidence in spite of their academic challenges, maintaining their relationships with their peers and working towards a better future for themselves, is hugely rewarding.  The nachas that we receive from these students, is nachas that you too are a part of.


Thank you for your ongoing support to our Colleges and our students.


Wishing you a Shana Tova and a K’tiva V’Chatima Tova.


With appreciation,


Rabbi Yehoshua Smukler

Principal Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah Colleges

on behalf of the staff and students and their families​




Thank you JCAS for your generosity- the money you give changes the lives of children.


Cherylyn Skewes

Principal - Leibler Yavneh College




Thank you for the generous and truly needed support from JCAS for our children with special needs.  Their invaluable assistance enables us to provide an education that ensures our children have opportunities that otherwise we may not have been able to provide.


Helen Greenberg

Principal - Sholem Aleichem College




Without JCAS, true inclusion for so many Jewish children with special needs in our schools would not be possible. Thank you.


Jeremy Stowe-Lindner
Principal - Bialik College




A little effort makes a big difference in the life of a child. JCAS makes a big effort that changes the future of our most vulnerable children by keeping them attached and valued as part of our community. The importance of JCAS cannot be underestimated in helping to preserve the dignity and sense of belonging that ALL children deserve.


Hilton Rubin

Principal - Yesodei HaTorah College




Adass Israel School take this added opportunity to thank The Jewish Children’s Aid Society for the amazing support our students receive from your hard work. Kol Hakavod.


Jenny Measey

Acting Principal - Adass Israel School

Honourary solicitor: Ari Schachna (HWL Ebsworth)
Honourary Auditor:  Ricky Diamond (Diamond Singer Partners)
Thank you to our generous supporters
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