May 2020 Newsletter

An Important Message from the JCAS President
As we head into mid-2020, we take this opportunity to thank you for your generous support of JCAS and your interest in our mission. These are difficult times for everyone and JCAS has been severely impacted by the closure of the Posh Opp Shoppes, which contribute a large part of our funding. Your support is now more important than ever and we ask that you consider donating to JCAS.
It’s now a critical time for our organisation. With classes being conducted remotely and children with special needs and their families having to adapt to new schooling arrangements, we need to ensure that children with special needs are not excluded from school life.
JCAS has been caring for children in our community since 1882. It is our mission to support Jewish children with special needs to attend Melbourne Jewish day schools, so that all students may participate in mainstream classrooms and school life. We continue to provide funding for teacher aides and to work closely with the children and their schools.
Currently, 228 children with special needs are receiving assistance from JCAS, with remarkable and long-lasting benefits for the children, their families and the wider community.
If you can make a donation to JCAS, I implore you to please do so. Your support will make the world of difference.
Warmest regards
Trevor Cohen AM
President, Jewish Children’s Aid Society Inc
JCAS Making A Difference
“My heartfelt thanks goes out to the team at JCAS for their ongoing support of all students with special needs. Without the financial assistance they provide, the school would not be able to assist my son in developing the academic skills he is lacking due to his needs. The flow on effect that comes with this - his increased confidence, self-satisfaction and self-worth is not something that can be measured on an academic scale. May you all be blessed for the positive impact your work has, not only for my own child, but for the thousands of children you assist.”
- Parent of a child currently studying at Yeshivah Beth Rivkah College
“JCAS makes a wonderful difference in the lives of many Jewish students and their families. We have so many students who have benefited from the generosity of JCAS funding. This has granted necessary access to aide support which has allowed these students to function at their best, to grow in confidence and to participate fully in the rich Jewish education on offer.”
- The King David School
Training day 2020
On 29 January 2020, the day before students in the Jewish day schools put on their uniforms for a new school year, JCAS hosted 116 inclusion assistants at Bialik college for a training day. This was our largest training day to date.
JCAS organizes and runs the annual event with generous support from Gandel Philanthropy and Bialik. Professionals in special needs education shared their expertise. There was great vibe and a buzz of excitement amongst the participants, all wanting to learn how best to assist their students and make a difference to their lives.
It was a very successful event which was well received by all who attended. For many aides, the JCAS event provided an important opportunity to meet with colleagues and share experiences and learnings before embarking on a new school year. As one aide reported: “Most importantly, a great number of us were able to come together and appreciate our roles and responsibilities, but also to realise that we are not alone.”
Another aide- Leeor Chabat noted after the event; "Working as an aide at Bialik has been
one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Bialik has provided me with ongoing
training and feedback to ensure that throughout my role, I am supported to help my
students to the best of my ability. Working as an aide has developed me professionally
and personally and without the support from the Jewish community, our students
wouldn’t be able to receive the support they need not only to survive but to thrive."

L-R; Tahni Swiatlo, Aimee Starr, Ash Krawitz
Would you like to find out more about who are we? Read our story here or go to FAQ
Finally, thank you to all our loyal sponsors and, in particular, our major sponsors listed below. We were thrilled recently to receive a $5000 donation from Bendigo Community bank. A generous and proud supporter of JCAS.

L-R; Michael Karp (JCAS) receiving the generous donation from Jignesh Jasani,
Branch Manager, Caulfield Park Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank
If you can donate to JCAS in our time of need please click here to donate now